Tutorial Schedule

Time and venue:

Note that the tutorial starts from the third week and is scheduled occasionally (ten sessions in total). Please refer to the following schedule in details.

DateDescription Speaker Materials
Jan 24 Python and Numpy Tutorial Hongyang Li [slides] [code]
Jan 31 Understanding Backpropagation
How the gradients are backpropagated via examples
Hongyang Li [slides]
Feb 14 PyTorch Tutorials
Overview of deep learning systems and PyTorch
Yixiao Ge [slides]
Feb 21 CNN applications in Computer Vision
object detection and semantic segmentation
Xihui Liu [slides]
Feb 28 Walking through specific model design
U-net, feature pyramid and misc stuff
Hang Zhou [slides]
Mar 7 Advances in Deep Audio and Audio-Visual Processing
Hang Zhou [slides]
Mar 14 Discussion on final project proposals
Discuss the final project proposal with TAs
Xihui Liu, Hang Zhou, Yixiao Ge [instruction page]
Mar 21 No tutorial.
Mar 28 Recent Advances in Generative Adversarial Networks
SAGAN, BigGAN, StyleGAN, SPADE, EdgeConnect, S3GAN, and other exciting works.
Xihui Liu [slides]
Apr 4 Action Recognition and Detection with Deep Learning
Yue Zhao (invited speaker) [slides]
Apr 11 Normalization
Batch normalization (BN), instance normalization (IN), SN, SSN, and others
Wenqi Shao (invited speaker) [slides]